Sunday, February 26, 2012

Londontown Bound!

So you've missed out on a lot of cool stuff.
I played 2 shows with the Funk Hunters this month. We also had another blast of a time at No One Writes to the Colonel for Funkin' It Up. You missed it. To prevent that from happening again, since I don't update my content as often as I should with my blog, would like to suggest you add me on facebook where all most constant wheelings and dealing are being listed.

But for all my oldskool London Ontario peoples, this next event is for you!
I'll be playing at APK Live on Saturday March 3rd! Hope to see you out!
Check here for more details:

also quick note: Funkin' It Up will be taking the month off in March, but will be returning on April 13th with a Vinyl Only affair!